Sunday, March 9, 2014

Typical Weather and Tourism in Costa Rica

1. Weather on the Winter Solstice
 This year in Costa Rica, the Winter Solstice will occur on December 21, 2014. During the month of December, the average maximum temperature is around 81 degrees F. The average minimum temperature during December is around 66 degrees F. According to, the temperature stays in the comfortable zone (65 degrees F- 75 degrees F) 65% of the time during December and in the warm zone (75 degrees F-85 degrees F) 33% of the time. The type of precipitation likely to occur on the Winter solstice is light rain, moderate rain and drizzle. According to, drizzle  is observed 19% of the days and is most likely to occur around December 1st. Lightly rain is likely to occur 39% of the days and is most likely to happen around December 3rd. Moderate rain is observe 32% of the days and is likely to occur around December 1st. The good news about this is most of the precipitation happens in the beginning of the month, so tourists should plan to visit either in the middle of near the end of December. December Weather

2.  Weather on the Summer Solstice
This year in Costa Rica, the Summer Solstice will occur on June 21, 2014. During the month of June, the average maximum temperature is around 80 degrees F. The average minimum temperature is around 68 degrees F. According to, the temperature stays in the comfortable zone (65-75 degrees F) 47% of the time, while 59% of the time, the temperature is in the warm zone (75-85 degrees F).  The type of precipitation likely to occur on the Summer Solstice is thunderstorms, moderate rain and light rain. According to, thunderstorms are observed 54% of the days  and are most likely to occur around June 2nd. Moderate rain is observed 19% of the days and is likely to occur around June 16th. Light rain is observed 15% of the days and is likely to occur around June 21st. Unfortunately, the Summer Solstice occurs during the wet season, so this may not be a good month for tourists to book a trip. June Weather

3. Weather on the Spring Equinox
The Spring Equinox will occur on March 20, 2014 this year. The average maximum temperature for the month of March is 81 degrees F, while the average minimum temperature during this month is 68 degrees F. According to, the temperature stays in the comfort zone (65-75 degrees F) 44% of the time, while the temperature stays in the warm zone (75-85 degrees F) 64% of the time. The type of precipitation likely to occur on the Spring Equinox is moderate rain, thunderstorms, light rain and drizzle. According to, moderate rain is observed 31% of the days and is most likely to occur around March 21st.  Thunderstorms are observed 28% of the days and are most likely to occur around March 31st. Light rain is observed 21% of the days and is most likely to occur around March 22nd. Drizzle is observed 12% of the days and is most likely to occur around March 10th. It seems as though most of the precipitation happens at the end of March, so I would recommend tourists plan a trip the beginning of March, if this is a time they are looking to travel. March Weather

4. Weather on the Autumnal Equinox
The Autumnal Equinox will occur on September 23, 2014. The average maximum temperature for the month of September is 80 degrees F, while the average minimum temperature for this month is 67 degrees F. According to, the temperature stays in the comfort zone (65-75 degrees F) 52% of the time and stays in the warm zone (75-85 degrees F) 51% of the time. The precipitation likely to occur on the Autumnal Equinox is thunderstorms, moderate rain and light rain. According to, thunderstorms are observed 56% of the days and are most likely to occur around September 6th. Moderate rain is observed 18% of the days and is most likely to occur around September 26th. Light rain is observed 18% of the days and is most likely to occur around September 22nd. September Weather

5. Travel Agent Advice
Out of all four seasons, I would recommend tourists to come during the winter season. I would recommend the winter season because it is part of the dry season, so tourists will experience the most sunshine and best beach weather during these months. Due to the minimal amount of precipitation during this season, two great activities I would recommend to tourists would be to explore the rain forests and to attend Bull fights. The great thing about visiting Costa Rica during the dry/winter season is the fact that between the months of December and March the rainfall is 2.63 inches! This means no having to worry about planning for a rainy vacation because the likelihood of rain or thunderstorms is very low during this time of year. Visit Costa Rica
Come experience "la pura vida" of Costa Rica :)

 Weather Spark

1 comment:

  1. How interesting! Costa Rica seems like a lovely country to visit! I'm currently studying Haiti, and couldn't help but notice that both nations have similar types of local winds. Both Haiti and Costa Rica have coastlines and experience land and sea breezes. Costa Rica also has mountains and volcanoes, and can experience valley and mountain breezes much like Haiti. While Haiti and Costa Rica are both located in the Hadley cell, Costa Rica is a little more closer to the equator and the ITCZ than Haiti, and therefore can experience more rain than Haiti.
